Person Writing on a Notebook

How to Study the Bible for Yourself

There are many methods of Bible study. You can study as if looking through a telescope to see the big-picture truths that stand out. You can also explore as if looking through a microscope to find all the details in Scripture. 

Faithfully following a method of Bible study is what is most important. The only tools you really need are a bible, notebook, and pen/pencil. The best way to study the Bible is to read it often with prayer and pay close attention to what the Scripture is saying. 

Why study the Bible for yourself? 

The Bible answers life’s biggest questions: Where have I come from? What is my purpose? What happens after I die? Why is there so much suffering? How can I live joyfully in a world with so much evil?

The Bible offers comfort, guidance, strength, reprimand of sin, and inspiration. It gives us the truth about God, explains the origins of sin and suffering, and then shows us the path to salvation and a relationship with God that lasts forever. It is the most important book you will ever own. We read and study the Bible to hear God’s voice, know what He wants us to do, and learn how to be better Christians.

prayer, bible, christian

The Simplest Way to Study the Bible


Before you read the Scripture, start with prayer. David wrote, “Open thou mine eyes, that I may behold Wondrous things out of thy law” Psalm 119:18(American Standard Version). Pray as David did that your eyes be open so we see the Bible’s instruction. 

The Holy Spirit was sent to be our guide. Jesus says, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he shall guide you into all the truth: for he shall not speak from himself; but what things soever he shall hear, these shall he speak: and he shall declare unto you the things that are to come.”John 16:13(ASV) The Holy Spirit can reveal the truth of God’s word and teach us how to live. Pray when you encounter something confusing. After your quiet time, pray He helps you retain what you have read.


There is not a set amount of Scripture anyone has to read to glean from the word of God. You can begin with a book, chapter, paragraph, or verse. This is your devotional time. How much you read may depend on the amount of time you have. Don’t know where to begin? Take a look at this post for choosing the order in which you want to read the Bible.

Begin by reading the passage slowly. Ask yourself, “What does this mean?” Then, reread the Scripture again. 

White Notebook and Yellow Pencil


 Answering these questions can help in interpreting what you have read.

  • What is the passage talking about?
  • Who are the people speaking or being talked about? What are they doing?
  • What am I learning about God/Jesus from what I read? 
  • Is this passage pointing to an overarching theme of the Bible:
    • Creation
    • Fall
    • Redemption
    • Restoration
  • Is there any sin to confess or quit revealed to me?
  • Is there a command to obey?
  • Does the Bible give a promise of God I can claim?
  • Does God give instructions to be followed?
  • What is the verse that sticks out to me?

Every portion of the Bible you read will not answer all these questions. Write the answers you discover in your notebook.


In your notebook or a separate diary, write what God says to you, sins to confess, commands or instructions to follow. Has the reading shown you anything about God? His attributes? 

An excellent way to apply Scripture is to memorize it. Pick a verse that can apply to your life and learn it. Write it on an index card with the verse on one side and the Scripture on the other. Or make it your phone’s wallpaper. Reflect on it throughout the day. No one is too young or old to memorize Scripture. 

To meditate means “to focus one’s thoughts on,” according to Dictionary. The verses will become more meaningful through meditation, and the Holy Spirit will apply them to your life and its problems. Having verses that can be pulled from memory will give you strength and hope in the coming days. 

Lastly, obey what the Bible says. Peace and joy in life come through obedience. Paul said to Timothy in 2 Timothy 3:16, “Every scripture inspired of God is also profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for instruction which is in righteousness”(ASV). The Bible is how we learn about God and how to live our best life from Him.

Bible Study for you

While it is important to understand methodologies and tools of learning, we must remember that the most important thing is to be in a relationship with the One who teaches every word. The most important question you can ask yourself is this: am I making time to listen to God, to allow Him to speak to my heart? And when He does, let the words settle into your soul. You will discover the treasure that lies within the Scriptures.

It is time to take the next step in fully discovering the riches of God’s word. Your knowledge of the Bible will give you the tools to face life. It will strengthen you as you journey through life’s ups and downs. It can even bring you closer to God and help you find purpose in your life.

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