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4 Reasons to Read the Bible

Are you searching for answers? Seeking clarity and purpose in life? Look no further than the Bible. With its vast wisdom and timeless teachings, the Bible has the power to transform lives. Here, we will explore four compelling reasons to read the Bible. By delving into its pages, you can know God on a deeper level, understanding His will for your life.

Moreover, the Bible corrects and cleanses our hearts, guiding us toward a life of righteousness. Through its powerful stories and verses, the Bible confirms our faith. It provides us with the knowledge and tools to navigate life’s challenges. Continue to uncover the profound impact the Bible can have on our lives.

Read the Bible to know God.

The entire Bible is about God, His love for us, and His plan for our redemption from sin. God wants us to know Him personally and has given us the Bible inspired by Him, or God-breathed, so we can. You can know God exists but not know Him personally. According to Pew Research, 90% of Americans believe in a higher power. 56% of them believe in the God of the Bible, but do they know Him personally? Believing or knowing God exists is not knowing Him personally; like knowing a celebrity does not mean you know them personally.

“In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 1:13, ESV). Paul is telling the Gentiles that they are children of God, too. They “heard the word of truth, the gospel,” which is the Bible now. Reading and believing God’s word is how we know Him personally and are saved. Then, through prayer and going through God’s word, we build a personal relationship with Him.

The Red Chair

Read the Bible to know God’s character traits and His promises. The more we know God, the bolder we can live in our faith and the deeper we believe. My pastor gave an illustration with a red chair. Someone can know everything about the chair, from its measurements, materials, color, and weight capacity. He can stand beside the chair and quote all kinds of specs that he has learned about it, but does he really know or believe in the sturdiness of the chair without sitting in it? Sitting in the chair and leaning back in it shows the amount of trust he has in the chair and is the only way he truly knows the chair is good. You can know God, but to personally know Him, you must sit with Him, read His word, and trust Him.

Read the Bible to know God’s will for you.

Reading about God’s work in history guides Christians today. We learn from Israel’s many missteps of idolatry, unbelief, or complaining about what God provides. These are a few behaviors to stay away from, and we see how God punished Israel for them. Throughout scripture, there are commands of God to be obeyed and moral standards to be followed. While this can be overwhelming, God’s grace and forgiveness are always present.

We can find encouragement by reading about the people God worked through. King David was an adulterer and a murderer, yet God used him. God converted Paul, who was set on demolishing the early church. Then Paul traveled and told Jews and Gentiles about Jesus and is now an example for us. There are many examples of imperfect men and women being asked to share God’s love with others. After all, God’s will for everyone is to love Him and love others.

No one is more or less qualified to follow what God is leading you to do. He chooses you for a reason that you may not understand now. Everyone has different gifts and experiences that put them in a unique position to share with others the love God has for them. It may be as simple as living each day for Him and letting your life be an example of love for others through kindness. Or you will have the opportunity to help someone else by sharing your story of what God has done for you.

person holding compass selective focus photography

The Bible Corrects 

The Bible is a measuring rod. It is a standard against which to measure what you believe when faced with false claims. When someone claims Jesus was just a teacher or the Bible is simply literature, its content will prove their case incorrect. The Bible is the only resource you have to defend against misinformation. There are fulfilled prophecies throughout Scripture. Reading it and knowing what scripture says is how to correct the lies being passed around.

Second, as you read, God can use it to convict you of wrongdoing. The Judean king, Josiah, is an example of this. God’s word was read to him by the scribe, Shaphan. Josiah was convicted of his sin and the wrongdoing of the people of Judah. He read the scripture to the people, and then they followed God’s commandments. (2 Chronicles 34:13-33) Even as we try to live “right,” the scripture points out improvements to be made and sins to confess. That is the only way to grow as a believer. The best way to know how to live is to learn from Jesus first, then, his disciples, and the lessons from the Israelites.

The Bible Averts Wrongdoing

Staying in the word of God and learning what it has to say about our actions and thoughts will ward off wrongdoing. David wrote, “How can a young man keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word.” (Psalm 119:10 ESV) Being pure is being free from sin in our life. We will never be perfect or without sin. There will always be something to confess and ask forgiveness for. But we can guard our thoughts, the first line of defense against wrongdoing, by remembering what the scriptures tell us. Reading the Bible will help you with your thoughts, what you say, and your actions.

Our thoughts are the beginning of everything. What we say and do begins with a thought. We can’t prevent what comes into our mind, but we can take control of it. Fear, criticism, judgment, anger, or jealousy are just a few thoughts we can acknowledge and correct. Ask, “Is this true? And is it helpful?” If it isn’t, take control and change what you are thinking. More importantly, replace it with Godly thoughts. Replace the negative and hurtful with things that are true, honorable, just, pure, lovely, and commendable (Philippians 4:8). Out of the inclinations of the mind comes everything we say and do. Clean up the mind, and you clean up your relationship with yourself and others. This takes time and practice, but the work is worth the peace it brings.


The Bible is a treasure to be embraced and read. Whether you choose to read from a physical copy or your e-reader, you should still invest yourself in God’s word. The Old and New Testaments of the Bible contain stories, lessons, and guidance. God is concerned about us from the time we are children until we die. He wants us to know Him so we can experience His love and live a life that reflects His character. To know Him on a deeper level, read the Bible. Reading the Bible is the best way to know His will for your life, how to defend your faith, how to ward off sin and live your best life! To go deeper into how to study the Bible, I have these articles to help: How to Study the Bible for Yourself and Principles of Biblical Interpretation.

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